Preschool & Kindergarten
Preschool & Kindergarten Articles
Help Your Preschooler Know Jesus and Understand Salvation
By laying foundations for spiritual conversion, parents become partners with the Holy Spirit as He prepares and calls a child to accept Jesus as Savior.
September 16, 2015
- Lifeway Staff
5 Child-Friendly Sermon Tips
Children are concrete thinkers who sit in a worship service filled with figurative words. They fidget and squirm. They frown and make faces. So why should we be concerned about including children in the worship service?
September 15, 2015
Communicating Christian conversion to children
Once a healthy relationship has begun between a teacher and child or a parent and child, the next important skill that needs to be developed is a sensitivity to how we communicate with children about Christian conversion.
January 1, 2014
- Jerry Vogel