Faith Articles
3 Mentorship Challenges All Men Face
Live as a man whose life directs others to the Heavenly Father.
March 19, 2024
Defending our Belief in God
Scripture commands us to learn about the reasons for faith in God generally and about saving faith in Jesus Christ specifically.
January 25, 2024
Having a Heart Fixed on Jesus Regardless of Our Circumstances
Jesus said a relationship with Him is like the pearl of great price (Matt. 13:45-46). It is worth selling everything you have to go after it. It far exceeds the value of everything else in life we will ever experience.
December 8, 2023
Experiencing True Revival
True revival happens when we gain a right view of God, a right view of self, and a heart for the world. Read more from this excerpt from Revive Us Bible Study from Robby Gallaty.
November 30, 2023
Holding Fast to Your Faith and Hope in Jesus
When we truly believe that He who promised is faithful, then we can respond with a faith that is built up with resilience and perseverance, a faith without wavering because we know that God is going to finish His good work.
June 5, 2023
Passing Down a Legacy of Living Faith
When faith in Jesus Christ takes up residence in our souls, it transforms every part of our being, every aspect of our lives. And faith that is living is not static
May 27, 2023
- Tina Boesch
Walking in Faith Doesn't Have to be DIY
To properly understand faith and discipleship, a person can’t seek to do it himself. He must prepare to die to himself.
February 17, 2023
Understanding God's Unconditional Love for You
God loves to be loyal to His promises and His covenant people. We may not tend to think of loyalty as love—due to our language deficit—but think of God the Father, who is always loyal to keep His promises.
January 25, 2023
- Michael Easley
Why Christians Should Welcome Skeptics
The world is filled with untrusting Thomases who need to experience Jesus as true and trustworthy. The church shouldn’t shun them, or scold them, or shame them. Jesus isn’t afraid of skeptical human scrutiny.
July 28, 2022