Self Esteem
Self Esteem Articles
The Importance of a Healthy Self-Awareness
Scripture helps us discover a healthy self-awareness where we don’t think too highly or too lowly of ourselves. Thinking too highly places us above God. Thinking too lowly puts us below humanity.
June 6, 2019
- Steve Graves
Why You Shouldn’t Be Threatened By Someone Else’s Success
God's presence gives us the ability to keep cheering on that girl next to us, regardless of how threatened we feel. Staying in His continual presence, we learn that our God-given gifts and talents are not for making ourselves better than the woman next to us. In fact, we learn to value what she’s doing more than what we’re doing.
March 5, 2018
Can Jesus Heal the Pain of My Regret?
Only through receiving Christ’s righteousness and being given a new heart by God’s grace can anything good come out of me and out of you.
January 23, 2018
The Biblical Way to Build Your Child's Self-Worth
When it comes to developing your child's sense of self-worth, taking direction from Christ starts with a counter-culture idea: that our value isn’t based on our own abilities.
January 1, 2014