Time Management
Time Management Articles
Not the Boss of Me: Setting Good Digital Boundaries
Our phones certainly can be a useful tool — housing calendars, grocery lists, and an more helfpul apps, but often it seems our phone becomes the boss of us if we aren't careful.
May 13, 2023
How to Trust God's Calendar
As we endeavor to trust God’s calendar, we need wisdom to discern what to pencil into ours. Isaiah’s message gives us practical insights that will help us make plans while holding them loosely in anticipation of divine interventions.
May 12, 2022
Making Space for Sabbath Rest
Jesus showed us what it means to enter the rest of God. Some of us aren’t resting because we don’t realize that the Sabbath isn’t a day; it’s a person. The Sabbath is Jesus.
May 3, 2021
4 Ways to Redeem Your Time for the Gospel
How do we best redeem our time? More important than action steps is our outlook, our basic attitude toward time and eternity.
January 10, 2018
- Jason Allen