Thanksgiving Articles
Adaptable Thanksgiving Sermon Outline
Knowing that it is sometimes difficult to find a new approach to an old theme, and your church has heard your entire cornucopia of Thanksgiving sermons, this outline is offered to help kick-start some thinking.
February 9, 2024
- Lifeway Pastors
Working Hard and Resting Well at Thanksgiving
There is something beautiful and freeing in knowing that we can celebrate without shame and rest without guilt. God gives us an example of this in Genesis, right at the very beginning of the Bible.
November 13, 2022
Communion of Thanks
When we think of thanksgiving, we ought to remember communion. When we consider communion, we actually remember Jesus.
November 1, 2022
Experience Less Chaos and More Peace During the Holidays
We want to go to our Father with open hands and ask what He wants for our holidays, making room for less chaos and more Jesus. We have to trust that God, who foreknew and predestined us, wants our holidays to honor Him, His Son, and the Spirit.
November 5, 2020
Have Yourself a Sacred Thanksgiving
This year can and will be different. We can live with intention during these long days, knowing that the years will fly by. It’s possible to have a Thanksgiving season filled with gratitude.
November 14, 2019
5 Ways Thankfulness Shows the Goodness of the Lord
As we move into the Thanksgiving season, we should echo the words of the psalmist with our lips and our lives. The goodness of the Lord should be easily recounted. Rather than demanding what is next on our wish list, we should pause to give thanks for what God has done.
November 11, 2019
Rejoice and Give Thanks Always
What is God’s will for you? Rejoice, pray, and give thanks. When? Always, without ceasing, and in all circumstances. We can always rejoice in God’s goodness and steadfast love toward us.
November 8, 2018
How to Teach Your Kids to Be Thankful
Remember, our kids do as we do, not as we say. Let’s reverse entitlement by stopping the comparison game and instead being grateful for all we’ve been given.
November 7, 2018
- Joshua Straub
5 Creative Thanksgiving Traditions
Spice up your family's Thanksgiving tradition with these creative tips and suggestions.
November 17, 2015
- Marlene Baer
The Power of Gratitude
When we are truly grateful for God's power at work in us and God's gift of life, we cannot contain this joy. From this thankfulness comes an outpouring of gratitude that is contagious, infectious and life-giving to those around us.
November 17, 2015
- Marlene Baer