This article is an excerpt from week six of Everyday Evangelism Bible Study by Preston Perry  

When people think of boldness, they usually picture a strong warrior type of person— someone waving a sword and ready to storm the battlefield. But boldness is simply being  faithful to what God has asked you to do. 

 Recognizing the unique way God has created you to represent the gospel is essential to your effectiveness as an evangelist. If you try to put on a persona that you think an evangelist should have, people will pick up on that insincerity. So take a look at how God made you, the gifts He’s given you, and how that design can be used by Christ. God isn’t expecting you to become someone else. He’s expecting you to be obedient to love people  and share Jesus in that unique way He’s given you. Boldness comes from trusting His design and His presence within you.

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared ahead of time for us to do.

Ephesians 2:10 (CSB)

Think about how God has uniquely made you. What are some of the specific traits and strengths God’s given you? What could effective evangelism look like if you intentionally use those gifts to share the gospel? 

Whether you were created to be a street evangelist or have a more subtle approach to evangelism, sharing the gospel is going to require boldness. And the reality is, it’s hard to be bold in today’s culture where truth is considered relative and everyone is allowed to define his or her own existence. But if we don’t cultivate courage and obediently speak the truth, the people around us will stay lost in darkness. The world needs to know the truth that the Creator God is the only One who defines our existence and we can only experience true life in Him. 

God has not made all of us the same. Each of has giftings that He has given to build His kingdom. All of us are called to share the gospel, but how we do it will look different because we all have different giftings. God may have wired you to have conversations with strangers on the street, or He might have wired you to develop relationships and share the gospel as those relationships deepen. Either way, we can be certain that God plans to use all of us, with His Spirit working through us, to take the gospel into our communities and all over the world.