Nehemiah Articles
God Can Heal the Pain of a Difficult Mother
It’s a godly desire to honor our mothers. But let us not forget God also redeems the past by asking us to set healthy boundaries in our families of origin. We also have the opportunity to create something new and nurture our families as mothers to our children.
May 3, 2021
- Bonnie Gray
3 Practical Ways to Help People Who Are Hurting
Most likely there are people you minister to every day who are going through difficult times. You can offer consolation in real and tangible ways.
July 1, 2020
- Jerome Stockert
Afraid to Get Close to God
I stood in that kitchen and cried in His arms. I can’t remember what my then-three-year-old was doing up in her room, but I was standing on holy kitchen linoleum as the Lord reassured me, that I am loved, not because I am good, but because He is good. I am scared, but He is good.
February 6, 2019
Can God Use Rehabilitative Pain?
The pain that sifts through our Redeemer’s hands is not punitive because Jesus took all the punishment we deserved on the cross. Therefore the idea that bad things have happened to us because God is punishing us is not theologically sound. However, suffering can be a very rehabilitative means of grace.
July 12, 2018
Why You Shouldn’t Be Threatened By Someone Else’s Success
God's presence gives us the ability to keep cheering on that girl next to us, regardless of how threatened we feel. Staying in His continual presence, we learn that our God-given gifts and talents are not for making ourselves better than the woman next to us. In fact, we learn to value what she’s doing more than what we’re doing.
March 5, 2018
5 Ways to Pursue Peace
How do you go about being a peacemaker? It begins with the courage to recognize and face a problem.
September 14, 2017
5 Ways to Exchange Panic for Peace This Christmas
Push stress and anxiety out of your heart and mind this Christmas, so you can anticipate the holidays with peace and joy, and feel refreshed, refueled, and rejuvenated in the new year.
December 7, 2015
- Cindi McMenamin
Leading Women's Bible Study Groups
Prayer requests and even Bible study time can often turn into long-running therapy sessions in which women unload the anxieties and worries of their weeks onto a sympathetic group.
September 3, 2015
- Sharon Hodde
Help your kids manage anger at any age
As parents, we must guide our children wisely as they navigate their emotional experiences at each stage of their development. Here's some guidance on managing anger issues with toddlers, grade-schoolers, tweens, and teens.
January 1, 2014