Anger Articles
3 Simple Things That Can Eliminate Anger Forever
Find emotional and spiritual healing with this simple exercise for eliminating anger.
December 31, 2015
Get a Grip on Wrath
Anger problems are often pain problems. We haven't learned how to deal with pain, so we lash out and hurt others or become filled with vengeance, thinking this will bring satisfaction. It never consoles the hurt, of course. In fact, it often creates a new cycle of wrath in somebody else.
August 1, 2015
- Jared Wilson
Anger Management for Teenagers
Provide teens with an A.N.G.E.R. mental map to assist them in managing their anger. The key is for both the parent and the teen to focus on their individual responsibilities.
January 1, 2014
Help your kids manage anger at any age
As parents, we must guide our children wisely as they navigate their emotional experiences at each stage of their development. Here's some guidance on managing anger issues with toddlers, grade-schoolers, tweens, and teens.
January 1, 2014