Motivational & Inspirational
Motivational & Inspirational Articles
How Jen Wilkin Teaches Women to be Transformed by Scripture
Jen Wilkin is passionate about teaching women the Bible, but she’s also a dedicated student. Over the last 15 years, she has led and organized studies for women in her community and church, and encourages those women to dig deep into the Word of God.
October 20, 2023
- Savannah Summers
What is the Gospel?
The gospel, however, isn’t just the diving board off which we jump into the pool of Christianity; it’s the pool itself. It’s not only the way we begin in Christ; it’s also the way we grow in Christ. All of the Christian life flows from the good news of what Jesus has done.
April 18, 2022
What Keeps You From Breaking Through In Life?
God created you with unique potential and placed you on planet Earth for a specific purpose. But what keeps you from breaking through into that potential?
December 16, 2019
What Does It Mean to Praise God Every Day?
In our daily busyness of going to work, loving our families, and walking through the checkout line, we can praise God; we can highlight His greatness and worth. When we praise God, we’re giving glory to Him. His light within us shines back to Him. It’s as if we’re saying, Look! Look at God, at who God is and what He does!
April 1, 2019
What Are Regeneration, Justification, and Sanctification?
Where Abraham looked forward in faith, we have the unbelievable blessing of looking back in faith at the finished work of Jesus Christ! What God promised, He fulfilled! And we can live in the sweet assurance that what Jesus did on the cross was sufficient to make us legally innocent before God.
March 13, 2019
New Growth Needs New Places
I bet some of us are root-bound. We are still green, but we’re not growing. We’ve dug in and refused the Lord’s transplanting of us. Is it just me? We are alive, but we aren’t thriving. That’s not what God intended for you or for me. I know it. And I bet you do too. This is why I think dealing with the internal process of sanctification is absolutely necessary for growth.
March 13, 2019
Faith in Action
Faith, for the Hebrew, is not memorizing a set of facts to pass a theological assessment administered by a pastor before baptism. Faith always manifests itself with action, which is why James emphasized the point in his Epistle.
February 27, 2019
Opportunities Disguised as Interruptions
When I look back on that moment, full of frustration at the interruption of what I expected to be a relaxing night, I now think about how grateful I am God had a different plan. He wanted to introduce me to my first friend at my new church by getting us alone in the lobby where we could connect. Sometimes our perfectly thought-out plans can be interrupted—and that’s okay. It even happened to Jesus on occasion.
February 27, 2019
How Over-Relying on Logic Can Lead You Off the Pathway
However, the cross is foolish only from a human perspective. Despite its folly, the cross demonstrated the wisdom and power of God. As Peter pointed out, Jesus was “delivered over by the predetermined plan and foreknowledge of God” (Acts 2:23). In other words, what might seem illogical to the world was the perfect plan of God. The Father allowed human evil against His Son to fulfill His purpose.
February 20, 2019
Love in Its Purest Form
I wish there was another word we could use to describe the difference between what Christ-centered love is and what the world has confused love to be. But we seem to interchange them so often. Our culture pays such little respect to such a powerful word. We put it on bumper stickers and sell it in gas stations. The word love sticks to the roofs of our mouths, and we use it readily when talking about the most mediocre things.
February 13, 2019
- Shannon DeGarmo