It’s easy for our culture of individuality and innovation to shape the way we think about the church. So what should we believe? Should Christians try to be more accepting of a postmodern worldview? With so many questions, opinions, and interpretations among people today, even within the church, what should we all agree on as essential to Christian faith?

Finding its genesis in the apostles’ teachings, the Apostles’ Creed contains essential Christian doctrines and beliefs that summarize the gospel and make up the foundation of our faith.

The Apostles' Creed

I believe in God the Father Almighty,
Creator of heaven and earth,
And in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord,
Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit;
born of the virgin Mary;
Suffered under Pontius Pilate;
was crucified, dead, and buried.
He descended to hell; the third day
He rose again from the dead;
He ascended to heaven and sits on the
right hand of the Father Almighty,
From whence He shall come to
judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit,
The holy catholic church,
the communion of saints,
The forgiveness of sins,
The resurrection of the body,
and the life everlasting. Amen.

The scriptural truths contained in the creed help us operate from good theology, with the knowledge that our faith is rooted in truth and a rich history that spans past, present, and future. The lines of the creed aren’t mere words. They convey the essence of what we confess and believe as the body of Christ.

Understanding of Biblical Teaching

The creed helps us develop better symmetry as Christians, giving us a more robust understanding of biblical teaching. As Christians, it’s easy to stick with what we already know. Either we don’t grow and remain immature with a minimal, two-dimensional faith, or even if we’re growing, we become out of balance instead of developing a holistic, well-rounded faith.

Clarity of Who God Is

It also helps us with clarity, making clear who God is. While symmetry applies to our overall knowledge of core biblical doctrines, clarity is a more specific focus on what we believe about God and the world. By and large, American evangelicals seem to be terribly confused about who God is, what He’s up to, what He’s like, and what He’s about. Surveys reveal shocking misconceptions, many of which are similar to the heresies that the Apostles’ Creed was intended to refute. The Christian life isn’t about our preferences or opinions or the latest cultural trends; it’s about God. What you believe about God is the most important thing in your life; it shapes all your attitudes and actions.

Belonging to the Global Community

The Apostles’ Creed informs our community, whom we belong to, and whom we’re with. As Christians who believe the doctrines summarized in the Apostles’ Creed, we’re part of a people who have been around for thousands of years. We’re part of a people who go back to the beginning of humankind, when God called first people to Himself.

Throughout history God’s people, those He has chosen and called to Himself, have thrived and worshiped the one true God. We’re part of that tradition. We’re a global people. People all over the earth will gather this weekend because they share the beliefs expressed in the creed. They’ll rejoice in it, they’ll be shaped by it, and massive numbers of them will recite the creed together. We’ve been woven into something much bigger than us. The fabric created by God makes us stronger than any of us can ever be on our own. It’s diverse, it’s beautiful, and it’s global.

Application of Our Beliefs

Lastly, the creed informs the way we counsel ourselves and others. Counsel is essentially the point of application. How do symmetry, clarity, and community lead to a change in your perspective? How do you think and act differently? What do you tell yourself or others as a result of believing the doctrines in the creed? When you grow in your understanding of the person of God, the work of Christ, and the power of the Holy Spirit, you’ll think differently. The result should be an ever deepening maturity and a closer walk of obedience with our Lord Jesus Christ.

Excerpted from the Bible study The Apostles' Creed by Matt Chandler © 2017. Lifeway Christian Resources. Used by permission.

Dive deeply into what Christians believe, why we believe it, and how to apply our beliefs in a life of informed, active, and practicing discipleship with The Apostles' Creed by Matt Chandler.

Take your group through an in-depth examination of the primary tenets of Christianity. The Apostles' Creed was born from the apostles' teachings. It contains essential doctrines and beliefs that summarize the gospel and the foundation of our faith. The scriptural truths contained in the creed enable us to build our Christian lives on good theology, with the knowledge that our faith is rooted in truth and a rich history.

Matt Chandler serves as the lead pastor of teaching at The Village Church in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. He describes his tenure at The Village as a replanting effort to change the theological and philosophical culture of the congregation. Matt is also the president of Acts 29, a worldwide church-planting organization. Other than knowing Jesus, Matt's greatest joy is being married to Lauren and being the dad to their three children, Audrey, Reid, and Norah.