Robby Gallaty

Robby Gallaty

Senior Pastor of Long Hollow Baptist Church in Hendersonville, TN

Robby Gallaty has served as the senior pastor of Long Hollow Baptist Church in Hendersonville, Tennessee, since 2015. He wasn’t always a pastor, though.

For three years Robby battled a drug addiction that ravaged his life. A $180-a-day heroin and cocaine addiction drove him to steal $15,000 from his parents. After living without gas, electricity, and water for months; losing eight of his friends to drug-related deaths; watching six friends get arrested; and completing two rehabilitation treatments, Robby remembered the gospel that a friend shared with him in college and was radically saved on November 12, 2002.

Eight months later David Platt, a seminary student and church member at the time, asked Robby to meet weekly for accountability, prayer, and Bible study. For the next two years David instilled a passion for missions, expository preaching, and disciple making in Robby’s life. He also encouraged Robby to go back to school to pursue theological education.

Robby earned his master of divinity in expository preaching in 2007 and his PhD in preaching in 2011 from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. Today Robby’s gospel conviction and evangelistic zeal compel him to passionately make disciples who make disciples.

In addition to his leadership at Long Hollow, Robby is also the founder of Replicate Ministries and the author of several books, including Growing Up, Firmly Planted, Rediscovering Discipleship, and the LifeWay Bible study Knowing Jesus.

Robby and his wife, Kandi, have two sons: Rig and Ryder.

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