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eBook - Disciples Path: The Journey Personal Study Guide Volume 1



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Disciples Path: The Journey Vol. 1 Personal Study Guide eBook offers a mix of group discussion, personal study, and practical application. It includes questions for reflection, prayer guidance, a session introduction, Scripture passages, commentary, a weekly activities checklist, a Bible reading plan, and devotionals.

There's a disciple-maker inside every Christian. Disciples Path: The Journey is a one-year intentional plan for discipleship that provides a purposeful process for maturing in Christ. Both new and seasoned disciples will encounter key ideas and practices to help them grow in Christ and as disciple-makers. Disciples Path: The Journey has four critical qualities:

The disciple's path is progressive. The sessions build on each other as the disciple moves toward transformation week after week.

The disciple's path is relational. The leaders and the students study and apply the content together each week so that every disciple can be guided by someone more seasoned in the faith.

The disciple's path is disciplined. Each session includes engaging assignments for between meetings to help disciples practice the disciplines that help them grow in Christlikeness.

The disciple's path is replicable. The one-year plan prepares disciples for multiplication with the goal that after finishing this journey, each disciple will then use the series to disciple someone else.

Volume 1 Study Plan:

  1. What Just Happened?
  2. The Centrality of Christ
  3. Baptism
  4. Time with Jesus
  5. The Blessing of Community
  6. Joining Jesus on Mission
  7. The Importance of Discipleship
  8. Defining a Disciple
  9. Jesus Calls His Disciples
  10. Jesus Teaches His Disciples
  11. Jesus Equips His Disciples
  12. Jesus Sends His Disciples
  13. Reflect and Connect


  • A practical plan for group engagement and discussion
  • Content for individual use during the time between group gatherings


  • Become a disciple that will be able to disciple others.
  • Gain confidence to share your biblical knowledge and life experience.
  • Reap the benefits of becoming a mature disciple of Christ.
  • Help your church expand its reach and influence in the community.

Purchase one for each participant.


Age Minimum
Number of Pages
Product Group
Bible Study
Product Type
Study Guide
Publication Date
Lifeway Christian Resources

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