
Item #: 005840877

eBook - Momentum - Bible Study Book with Video Access



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Momentum Bible Study eBook with Video Access includes small group experiences for eight sessions, individual study opportunities, applicable Scripture, “How to Use This Study,” and tips for leading a group. Also, the eBook contains unique codes that enable you to access teaching videos for each session.

Most Christians want to make real, noticeable progress in their walk with Christ. We long to forgive, to have a pure heart, and to find peace in our lives, but we just don’t know how to get there. This Bible study was created to help believers get unstuck and build momentum toward a more godly life. Through a series of small group sessions, author Colin S. Smith invites group members to discover that the understanding and strength we need to pursue holiness are available through the path Christ laid out for us in the Beatitudes—a path that includes forgiveness, purity, and peace. Find out what it really means to be poor in spirit, to be meek, and to mourn, and discover how those qualities will help you live a life in which God’s blessings are abundantly clear and present.

Session titles:
1. The Keys to Momentum Through the Beatitudes
2. Bring Nothing: The Enigma of Empty-Handedness
3. Take Ownership: The Power of Spiritual Mourning
4. Give Up Control: The Freedom of Submission
5. Long to Be Righteous: The Energy of Renewed Affections
6. Care About Others: The Joy of Complete Forgiveness
7. Go After One Thing: The Focus of Single-Mindedness
8. Give Up My Rights: The Gift of Making Peace

● Eight teaching videos featuring author Colin S. Smith—access included with purchase of Bible Study eBook
● Group and personal components
● Biblically rooted and gospel-centered content

● Give group members a better understanding of the relationship between empty-handedness and being poor in spirit.
● Grasp a greater depth of spiritual mourning and how it applies to our maturity.
● Help group members see the dangers of control and the freedom of submission.
● Get a better understanding of righteousness and how it expresses itself in our everyday lives.
● Learn how mercy and forgiveness work in tandem in the life of a disciple.
● Understand how the Beatitudes work together for discipleship and spiritual growth.



Age Minimum
Number of Pages
Packaging Height
Packaging Length
Packaging Width
Product Group
Bible Study
Product Type
Study Guide
Publication Date
Lifeway Christian Resources

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