Item #: 005802505
No Other Gods - Video Streaming - Individual
:The Unrivaled Pursuit of Christ
- Kelly Minter (Author)
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No Other Gods: The Unrivaled Pursuit of Christ - Video Streaming - Individual includes perpetual streaming access* to 8 teaching sessions by Kelly Minter for individual viewing.In this 8-session, revised and expanded study, learn to identify the functional gods you may be unknowingly serving and the lies they tell. As you dethrone your modern-day idols you’ll be set free for the deeper, more abundant life Jesus came to give you—discovering that Jesus can do what no other god can.
Video Sessions:
- Session 1: (9:06)—Kelly Minter welcomes us to the No Other Gods revised and expanded Bible study from the Amazon River. Kelly reminds us that an idol is anything we put in our hearts before God or in place of Him. Don’t miss who God is for you.
- Session 2: (28:00)—Why does God long for us to be free from our gods and the things that steal our hearts from Him? After studying the Ten Commandments, we look at our hearts and at how false gods motivate us and also hold us back for being all God wants for us.
- Session 3: (26:00)—Why would we ever turn to anything less than Jesus? We often cover up our struggles instead of collapsing before the Lord and trusting Him. In this session, we see Hannah of the Old Testament collapse before the Lord and give Him all of herself and her son.
- Session 4: (28:30)—It is challenging to confront and contend with the idols and the lies that pull us away from God. The idea of our false gods is always better than the reality of them. We need to understand and know that the Lord really is better.
- Session 5: (32:50)—False gods leave us no hope but to drop our expectations. Learning from the examples of Jacob, Rachel, and Leah, we discover it is time to cease our striving after false gods that cannot satisfy our deepest needs and turn our affections only upon our one True God.
- Session 6: (23:40)—This week dives into Hebrews 11 and the walk of faith. Faith is believing that what God has called us to is infinitely better than what we are leaving behind.
- Session 7: (25:40)—We are looking for God to redeem us and to bring healing to our lives. However, he does not always bring those things in the way we would hope. Second 2 Kings 5 reminds us that God has His plans and purposes and they are not always what we would expect.
- Session 8: (33:40)—What Jesus desires for us is that we bear fruit. He set His followers apart to go and share the Gospel with others and bear quality fruit that is going to last. We bear much fruit when we remain in Christ and He remains in us.
The Video Streaming - Individual option is only meant to be viewed by the person who purchased it. These videos cannot be copied or shared. If you need videos to show in a small group study, please purchase the Video Streaming - Group option if available.
*Video access will remain as long as this study is in print.

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- Age Minimum
- 18
- Format
- Video
- Language
- English
- Packaging Length
- 9.5
- Product Group
- Bible Study
- Product Type
- Bible Study Accessory
- Publication Date
- 2017-12-01
- Publisher
- Lifeway Christian Resources
- Total Sessions
- 8 sessions
- 634337789293