Sin Articles
The Ultimate Sacrifice
Our inherent sin separated us from God, but He implemented a plan to save us from the enemy (and our own sin!) in His loving mercy.
August 21, 2024
Keeping our Minds and Hearts Pure in the Midst of Temptation
Focusing on God and what he's done for us in the midst of temptation can help us stay on track and not stray.
February 12, 2024
Finding True Freedom in Christ
True freedom includes the ability to say no to the short-term pleasures of sin and yes to the long-term peace found only through Christ.
January 22, 2024
Don't Let Your Suffering Turn Into Sin
On the other hand, we’re empowered when we humble ourselves enough to recognize that every temptation we deal with is something others have experienced and are experiencing. Your temptation is not unique.
August 14, 2019
How to Help Your Child Overcome Failure
Parents make mistakes. Kids make mistakes. But how we see and respond to failure is what truly matters.
July 7, 2016
- Liz Miller
4 Quick Fixes that Don't Fix Anything
None of us can escape the underlying sense of displeasure and disappointment in life. We may not feel it as acutely every day, but it’s experienced often enough that each of us rears up with the urge to do something about it, to get out from under the weight, to pick up the pieces, and to fix it.
September 1, 2015
Get a Grip on Wrath
Anger problems are often pain problems. We haven't learned how to deal with pain, so we lash out and hurt others or become filled with vengeance, thinking this will bring satisfaction. It never consoles the hurt, of course. In fact, it often creates a new cycle of wrath in somebody else.
August 1, 2015
- Jared Wilson