Truth Articles
Teach Your Kids to Be Salt and Light
Salt adds flavor and preserves. Light makes things visible, allows things to grow, and provides safety. Our children attend all different types of schools, let’s consider how our children can be salt and light in schools that desperately need them.
June 24, 2022
- Jon Eckert
Is Your Church Facing Spiritual Apathy?
We cannot settle for a kind of discipleship that lets people settle into boredom with Jesus as long as they are not bored with the church. If it is our excellence in ministry that is keeping people’s attention, rather than the beauty of Jesus, then we have failed.
February 8, 2022
Has Your Heart Become Hardened?
Jesus often used familiar concepts to explain unfamiliar spiritual truths. In the parable of the soils, Jesus identified four potential types of soil that represent the human heart and He explained the parable in further detail.
December 13, 2021
Find Freedom from the Strongholds in Your Life
The only solution is to replace your harmful and untrue thoughts with the better promises of God. Embracing this advice from Scripture reprograms your mind and releases you from spiritual strongholds.
April 14, 2021
Confront the Lies You Tell Yourself with God's Truth
Turns out we are more influential in our own lives than we realize. Just one quick inventory of the thoughts that dominated our thinking can leave us confronted with the truth: We are what we think.
November 9, 2020
7 Financial Facts All Christians Should Know
There are certain basic, bedrock, biblical principles all Christians should know.
January 1, 2014
6 Biblical Truths to Teach Your Teen About Respect
We want our kids to be kids who speak with grace—who learn to love those with whom they agree and disagree. That starts by modeling it at home and by looking to some foundational scriptures that can help our teenagers learn to value other people.
January 1, 2014
- Dan Darling
Sermon: Three Hard Truths about Wisdom - Job 28
Lessons from Job is a four-sermon series by pastor Andy Cook. In this third sermon, Andy Cook uses Job 38 to deal with biblical truths about wisdom.
January 1, 2014
- Andy Cook