Elementary Articles
5 Back-to-School Reminders for Parents
How do we help our children grow and thrive in school? One parent makes a case that it has less to do with what we do, and more to do with how much we can let go. Here are the back to school reminders that all parents need.
July 21, 2021
- Hayley Morgan
How to Teach Children the Christmas Story
As a teacher or parent help your children embrace the reality and truth of Christmas. Think about the facts you should share about the Christmas story that are appropriate for preschoolers and children. Consider these suggestions by age group.
December 4, 2015
Teaching Emerging Readers Skills
When teaching young elementary students it is important to remember that there might be a wide range of reading abilities represented in your class. Here are some ideas for how to involve the whole class without isolating based on reading ability.
September 7, 2015
- James Hargrave
4 Ways to Help Your Child Adapt to a New School
Change can be hard, but with some planning and preparation, school transitions can be smooth and even fun.
July 21, 2014
- Jana Magruder
How smaller churches can reach children
Children need nurturing and equipping to become joyful, purposeful adults who see his or her spiritual life as a first priority. Their futures and the futures of our churches depend on success in ministering to these children and their families now.
January 1, 2014
Nine Tips for Beginning a Day Camp
Have you ever wished there was a simplified version for how to do a day camp? Well, wish no more! This article will give you helpful guidelines to assist you in what could be one of the most meaningful experiences for the children of your church and community.
January 1, 2014
- Helen Tindel
How to Help Your Child Deal with Bullying
Bullying can teach children a skewed view of what a normal relationship is. Try these strategies to empower your child to resolve encounters with bullies at school or on the playground.
January 1, 2014
- Bill Conger