Teaching Articles
Who is Teaching You Today?
What are you learning? It’s an essential part of who you are becoming.
September 29, 2022
5 Child-Friendly Sermon Tips
Children are concrete thinkers who sit in a worship service filled with figurative words. They fidget and squirm. They frown and make faces. So why should we be concerned about including children in the worship service?
September 15, 2015
Teaching Emerging Readers Skills
When teaching young elementary students it is important to remember that there might be a wide range of reading abilities represented in your class. Here are some ideas for how to involve the whole class without isolating based on reading ability.
September 7, 2015
- James Hargrave
What You Need to Know as a Teacher of Adults
If you have been enlisted to teach adults in Bible study, you have one of the most remarkable assignments in the Kingdom! There are three simple things to remember about your extremely important appointment.
January 1, 2014
Meet Bible Teacher Priscilla Shirer
Priscilla Shirer is passionate about her ministry to women and her calling to teach God's Word. She's also passionate about ministering to the men in her life — her husband Jerry and their two sons.
March 21, 2011
- Melissa Riddle